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Reduce Data Loss From Phishing Attacks in Just Three Months with Difenda SAT


Sep 2, 2022


Following an increase in security incidents targeting this Retail Company, they embarked on a fundamental IT strategic transformation including the restructuring of their end-user training program.

At the time, the company’s security awareness initiative featured sessions that were too long, disengaging and included outdated materials. The client engaged with Difenda to mature their Security Awareness Training program with proactive training materials, frequent testing and increased reporting capabilities.

To achieve the goal of strengthening their staff’s ability to detect and avoid phishing attacks, Difenda worked with the client to select valuable training material for each department to ensure relevancy to each role. While adhering to stringent government requirements, Difenda also worked to increase internal visibility and provide meaningful reporting capabilities for the client.

Win Insights

Increased employee engagement throughout customized training camps.

Increased security awareness program controls.

Reduced malware infections and data loss from cyber theft.

Achieved quarterly testing to maintain their strong security posture.


Difenda was locked in to produce engaging and targeted training materials through the set-up and ongoing management of our SAT platform.

Following the deployment of Difenda’s SAT platform, Difenda presented a week-long customized training camp, designed in conjunction with client stakeholders. The training camp targeted specific departments and consisted of various tactics, including games, tabletops, and simulations.

Not only did the client experience a reduction in calls to the IT help desk, but their internal security team also saw a reduction in overall alerts within their system following SAT training.

The success of the solution lead to the implementation of advanced SAT configurations including single sign-on integration and a Learning Management System. Difenda also consolidated reporting tools and dashboards into the client’s ServiceNow delivery portal in order to provide increased program visibility.


Difenda provided the tools required for effective delivery, assessment and reporting. Collaboration on and optimization of the Security Awareness Training program materials and tactics were key to this Retail Company’s success.

In order to maintain their post-training security posture, Difenda provides a list of “risky users on a monthly basis based on data collected through our behavior analytics monitoring.

Looking for additional support with your SAT program? Download Difenda’s Guide To Launching An Effective Security Awareness Program!

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