Bucharest, Romania – November 27, 2019: View of Microsoft Romania headquarters in City Gate Towers situated in Free Press Square, in Bucharest, Romania.

TORONTO- Difenda Inc., a leading global managed security services provider (MSSP), is pleased to announce that two of its offerings have achieved ‘Co-sell Ready’ status in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace. After working closely with Microsoft for over 2 years to develop and promote the Azure Sentinel platform, this milestone validates Difenda’s product experience and Microsoft‘s trust in Difenda to implement and manage security operations using their advanced security platform.

The two offers now available from the Microsoft marketplace (links below) include: Azure Sentinel Implementation -delivered by Difenda’s trusted professional services team- and Difenda MDR, a 24x7x365 managed detection and response service powered by the Azure Sentinel platform and Defender.

For organizations just getting started or those looking to maximize their existing Azure Sentinel investment, Difenda’s platform engineering team provides unmatched experience designing and configuring Azure Sentinel to maximize visibility, reduce operational effort with automations, and save money by reducing event data bloat. Microsoft trusts Difenda with some of their largest customer projects including a 2021 Azure Sentinel implementation for a 100,000+ seat enterprise in Asia.

Beyond implementation services, Difenda’s second co-sell offer provides ongoing security operations service with its managed detection and response service, Difenda MDR. Powered by the Azure Sentinel platform, Difenda’s expert threat hunting team seeks out and contains advanced threats quickly using automated response capabilities which can be integrated with non-Microsoft security technologies, such as next-gen firewalls, and other Microsoft solutions such as Microsoft Defender for Endpoint and Microsoft Cloud App Security (MCAS). Difenda further enriches the native threat intelligence and machine learning features of Azure Sentinel with more than 100 additional proprietary and open-source threat feeds.

In addition to this new achievement, Difenda maintains industry cybersecurity certifications along with being a Microsoft Security Gold Partner and a pending approval for meeting the new Threat Protection Advanced Specialization.


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About Difenda

Difenda is a privately held SecOps-As-A-Service company founded in 2008.  We deliver 24x7x365 security operations backed by our modernized PCI, SOC 2 Type 2 and ISO27001 certified Cyber Command Centers.  Difenda’s MDR practice is powered solely on the Microsoft security product stack and as a company proudly holds the Gold Security Service Provider certification for Microsoft.  We are an outcome-driven security services company with a fully integrated and modular platform that leverages an agile, innovative and collaborative approach with our Difenda Shield, along with advisory and offensive security services.

Our Difenda Shield was developed to break internal security silos, provide customers with the ability to scale, and most importantly, provide true visibility within our model.  All of our services, MDR (Managed Detection and Response), AVM (Advanced Vulnerability Management), GRC (Governance, Risk & Compliance), BPS (Brand Protection Services), and SAT (Security Awareness Training) roll into our Difenda Shield providing our customers with the ability to save costs and maximize visibility across the people, processes, and technologies critical to your organization.

Advisory and Offensive Services (Difenda Labs) are two additional pillars that complement our SecOps-As-A-Service go-to-market strategy.  Our team has a tremendous amount of experience and tenure to provide the outcome you are looking for in a cybersecurity partner.


About Microsoft

Microsoft’s mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. Their mission is grounded in both the world in which we live and the future we strive to create. Today, we live in a mobile-first, cloud-first world, and the transformation we are driving across our businesses is designed to enable Microsoft and their customers to thrive in this world. They do business in 170 countries and are made up of 144,000 passionate employees dedicated to fulfilling our mission of helping you and your organization achieve more.Book a Demo