The frequency and sophistication of cyber-attacks have improved drastically with access to generative AI tools. However, with the cybersecurity skills shortage still impacting the industry, the odds are against cyber-defenders. AI tools like Microsoft Copilot for Security are stepping up to turn the tables on threat actors and elevate the capabilities of security teams, regardless of company size or seniority level.  

As part of the Microsoft Copilot for Security partner design program, Difenda has had an exclusive opportunity to test, provide feedback and build on this AI tool. In anticipation of our upcoming Live Q&A: Microsoft Copilot for Security: Lessons from The Partner Private Preview we’re outlining what you need to know.  

While many of the details about Microsoft Copilot for Security remain elusive, this blog post will deep dive into the capabilities of Microsoft Copilot for Security, the technology required to leverage the tool, key security trends it responds to, the common challenges it addresses, and the opportunities it presents.  

Background Information on Microsoft Copilot for Security

Drawing from leading-edge research in AI and cybersecurity, Microsoft Copilot for Security is an advanced security solution designed to help organizations fortify their digital defence mechanisms. It employs machine learning, automation, and human ingenuity to streamline security operations, enabling a proactive and agile response to emerging cyber threats. 

At its core, Microsoft Copilot for Security is a collaborative AI technology that works alongside security professionals to enhance their capabilities. Built directly into Microsoft Security technology, it is designed to consolidate, correlate and respond to alert data within your security environment. It does so by analyzing vast amounts of data to identify patterns, anomalies, and potential vulnerabilities that could indicate security threats. 

The aim is to reduce the burden on security personnel and elevate security analysts to perform tasks that were previously reserved for only senior team members. 

Features and Capabilities Overview

Copilot for Security currently operates within 5 different security scenarios:  

  • Security Operations  
  • Device Management 
  • Identity Management  
  • Data protection and compliance  
  • Cloud Security 

Its methodology incorporates 65 trillion daily signals, iterative security skills built by the Microsoft Partner ecosystem, and Microsoft threat intelligence. Running exclusively out of Azure Open AI instance in each customer’s tenant, Microsoft Security says it will be able to:  

  • “Run complex queries using natural language  
  • Write reports, create visuals and summarize alerts and incidents  
  • Upskill teams via prompts and recommendations  
  • Reverse engineer malware  
  • Enrich alerts and incidents  
  • Assess the security posture of devices” 

It automates initial data collection and what were previously mundane, repetitive, and time-consuming tasks. By doing so, it enables security teams to focus their efforts on strategizing and fine-tuning the organization’s security posture.  

Learn more about Difenda’s custom Copilot for Security skills here.  

Getting Copilot for Security Ready: What Microsoft Technologies Will You Need?

To effectively leverage Microsoft Copilot for Security businesses must proactively implement and optimize Microsoft 365 Defender, Microsoft Sentinel and Microsoft Intune.  

Today, Security Copilot leverages these three technologies with a unique set of use cases and capabilities to make security operations more accessible to analysts of all levels.   

Accelerate Microsoft Copilot Readiness with this DifendAccelerator Service.  

Current Trends in Cybersecurity

Today, security environments have a broader attack surface than ever. There are over 4000 password attacks per second, it only takes 72 minutes for data to be breached once you click a phishing email and there is a global shortage of 3.5 million cybersecurity professionals. Couple this with shrinking cybersecurity budgets and the odds don’t look great for cybersecurity teams.  

With threat actors using AI to get more targeted and send out more cryptic messages than ever, this is the perfect opportunity for them to successfully access your network and potentially export your valuable data.  

Discover how threat actors are using AI to improve phishing campaigns.  

Challenges Addressed with Automated Security Operations

The automation of security operations through AI technologies like Difenda AIRO and Copilot for Security are addressing these challenges head-on. 

Automated security operations address the volume and speed of attacks by utilizing advanced analytics to process data at machine speed. This shrinks the window of opportunity attackers have to compromise private data, ensuring swift identification and neutralization of threats. 

AI security tools also serve to augment and upskill the existing security workforce, providing prompts and intelligent recommendations that enhance not only the efficiency but also the effectiveness of security teams. This support allows the internal analyst teams to manage complex security landscapes more confidently and competently; in a budget-friendly manner.  

By automating routine and complex operations, AI-driven tools empower small and mid-sized teams to do more with less. Ensuring that finances do not become an insurmountable barrier to robust cybersecurity defence measures. 

The Future of Cybersecurity with AI

In the realm of AI-powered cybersecurity, we’ve already seen substantial improvements in efficiency and effectiveness. A notable example was the 60% reduction in alert volume from phishing incidents, with Difenda AIRO and Copilot for Security. This dramatic decrease frees up valuable resources and ensures security teams can allocate more time to sophisticated threats. Significantly improving overall security posture and data integrity for organizations worldwide. 

Interested to see how we did it? Tune into the webinar! 

Looking ahead, we’re excited to see how Microsoft Copilot for Security’s capabilities extend into other areas of cybersecurity. For example, the OT environment and customer-specific technologies, leading to the drastic acceleration of end-to-end cyber security program maturity. 


Are You Microsoft Copilot for Security Ready?